Posts Tagged ‘Limited Liability’

Understanding Privacy Protection of Medical Records In California

Personal medical information, medical records patient information are highly sensitive and confidential documents that should be safeguarded against unnecessary disclosure without the patient’s consent at all costs. The information contained in a patient’s medical records is private, and may not be disclosed without permission, save a few exceptional circumstances.

What Laws Protect Patient Medical Information?

There are a number of federal laws in place that are designed to protect the privacy of patient medical records, such as the:

California additionally offers protection for patient medical records through California Civil Code Sections 56-56.37, also referred to as the Confidentiality of Medical Information Act. Under California law, a patient’s personal medical information, i.e., any individually identifiable information that is kept in physical or electronic form, is protected from unauthorized disclosure by health care providers, health care insurance providers, pharmaceutical companies, and other entities with access to this sensitive information, unless a court order demands such disclosure.

Medical information can include information concerning a patient’s medical history, mental health history, their physical or mental condition, or any course of treatment they are on. Individually identifiable information can include information such as a patient’s name, contact information, Social Security number or any other information that can be combined with publicly available information in order to identify the patient.

Patient Consent To Disclosure

Many times, a patient is referred to a specialist who requires copies of the patient’s medical records. However, the patient’s current doctor is not allowed to provide the patient’s medical records to the specialist without first obtaining the consent of the patient. If a patient wants to consent to the disclosure of their personal medical information, the patient must give permission in writing.

The requirements for providing patient consent to the sharing, releasing or disclosure of confidential medical records are outlined in California Civil Code Sections 56.11, which requires that the patient’s consent must be:

In writing and signed by the patient, the patient’s legal representative, or the beneficiary or personal representative of the patient (if the patient is deceased).

  • Specific as to the permissible uses of the disclosed information, including detailing any restrictions or limitations on the disclosure of the patient’s medical records.
  • Clear as to who is authorized to release/disclose the medical information concerning the patient, and must be clear as to who is the authorized recipient of the released/disclosed medical information.
  • Clear as to the duration that the authorization is valid for.

Remedies For Unauthorized Disclosure

When a patient’s medical information is illegally disclosed or obtained without permission, the patient has a cause of action under California law. When the patient can show that the unauthorized disclosure amounted to some economic loss or a personal injury to the patient, then the patient has grounds for a suit. If you believe your information was disclosed without your authorization in writing and you have been damaged, contact our firm right away to speak with an experienced Los Angeles business attorney who can determine your rights and options.

We also advise businesses on how to substantially limit their liability and ensure their business policies conform to both state and federal statutes on a daily basis. Contact us if you have been accused of disclosing a patient or employee’s medical information without permission, or are unsure if your business is in full compliance with HIPPA and current employment laws.

All About Corporate Turnarounds

In today’s economic downturn, more and more businesses may be looking to alter their business models. Such a plan for change is often referred to as a corporate turnaround strategy.

With revenue streams suffering, it can be difficult to figure out what to do when your business is experiencing such disappointment. But with the few tips below, it is possible to develop a plan that will help you identify problems and alter the course of your business for the better.

  1. If your business is experiencing problems and feels like it is in freefall, the first step to take before you do anything else is to seek stabilization. Take a look at what assets are critical for the survival of both the company and its ownership and then protect and preserve those assets.
  2. Next, you need to undertake a lengthy and comprehensive identification period. You need to get back to finding out what your business is all about. What are the core values that your company holds? Who are your main customers, and are you continuing to provide them with goods or services that they want? What do you really stand for? Have you gotten away from your business principles?
  3. Once you have answered these questions, you need to make an honest list of the core problems with your business. Seek input from not only management, but staff, too. What processes are counterproductive? What uncritical functions need to be scaled back? Remove the excess. Perhaps layoffs need to take place. Perhaps entire departments need to be scaled back. If it doesn’t fit with the core values of your business, it probably needs to go.
  4. Put together an implementation plan for making these changes. Provide specifics on how these changes will be implemented. Develop a timetable for taking certain steps. Eliminate the chance of chaos by carefully explaining how the restructuring will take place.
  5. Now you are ready for the actual restructuring. It will be all-important to follow the specified steps in your implementation plan.
  6. Review your restructuring plan periodically and make updates and tweaks as necessary.

Undertaking a corporate turnaround can be a complex and stressful process. If your business is looking to complete a turnaround, it may also be helpful to hire a consult or an experienced corporate attorney who can offer a fresh set of eyes.

Anthony Spotora is a Los Angeles business attorney, intellectual property lawyer and entertainment lawyer.  To learn more, visit


Have you ever seen this brief legal ditty? Sure you have. And whether you know it or not, you likely accept contracts containing this language on a weekly, maybe even daily basis.

Ever valet park your car or use the services of your local dry cleaner; or, maybe you have attended an amusement park? Well then, without signing anything, you have just entered into an “adhesion contract”.

Adhesion contracts are contracts between two parties that do not allow for negotiation — it’s take it or leave it! However, can you realistically leave it? What would your options be anyway? Should you park your car elsewhere or take your clothes to a different cleaner? Won’t you just be faced with the same issue there? And what about that pocket size agreement? Will it really limit their liability? I mean really, who can even read that boilerplate it’s so small?!

And how about the long-form adhesion contract that you actually sign; a residential lease agreement, for example? Were you afforded the opportunity to negotiate its terms or, did the landlord stand in a position of such superior bargaining power that you signed it, knowing also that it would not be any different down the street?

Theoretically, the common debate relating to contracts of adhesion have reasonably focused on whether or not courts should enforce them. On the one hand, they undeniably fulfill an important role of efficiency in the marketplace. These standard form agreements can substantially reduce transaction costs by eliminating the need for buyers and sellers to negotiate the terms of every sale of goods or services. However, they may also consequently result in unjust terms being agreed to by the accepting party. Few would disagree that it is simply unfair for the seller to avoid all liability or to unilaterally give themselves the right to terminate the agreement.

So then, are these contracts enforceable?

In common law jurisdictions, these standard form agreements are treated like any other contract and a signature or other manifestation of acceptance and intent to be legally bound will bind the acceptor. This reality, however, has caused for many common law jurisdictions to develop special rules that govern such situations. As a general rule, courts in these jurisdictions will interpret the standard form agreement contra proferentem which, literally means — ‘against the proffering person.’

Most of the United States, however, follows the Uniform Commercial Code which, similar to the common law jurisdictions mentioned above, has provisions relating specifically to standard form contracts and; when a standard form contract is found to be a contract of adhesion, it is given special scrutiny.

For a contract to be treated as a contract of adhesion, it must be:

1. Presented on a standard form and on a “take it or leave it” basis; and
2. Give the consumer no ability to negotiate because of their unequal bargaining position.

Next, the “special scrutiny” may be performed in a number of ways, a few of which are:

1. If the term was beyond the reasonable expectations of the “adhering” party, the court can find it to not be enforceable; or
2. Under the equitable principles of the Doctrine of Unconscionability, unconscionability may be found and the contract held unenforceable when there is an “absence of meaningful choice on the part of one party due to the one-sided contract provisions, together with terms which are so oppressive that no reasonable person would make them and no fair and honest person would accept them.” (Fanning v. Fritz’s Pontiac-Cadillac-Buick Inc.)

So…the good news is: recourse may be available for the underdog!

The bad news is: both parties will have to expend time and money for a court to determine if the adhesion contract is enforceable.

Business Attorney Explains Benefits of Forming a Limited Liability Company

If an individual is looking to business-incorporation/”>form a new business, they may want to consider forming a Limited Liability Company. This type of business structure is similar to a corporation but is less formal, more flexible and offers several benefits, including personal liability protection, for its owners.

What is an LLC?

A “Limited Liability Company” (LLC) is a hybrid between a partnership and a corporation. It has the operating flexibility and “pass through” tax treatment of a partnership with the limited liability for its “members” accorded to corporate shareholders. “While an LLC is a business entity, it is best to think of it as an unincorporated association,” said Anthony Spotora, an extremely experienced business attorney. “Although sometimes incorrectly referred to as Limited Liability Corporations, they are in fact not corporations.” See California Corporations Code, Title 2.6.

Further Benefits

LLCs are highly attractive to some because of the flexibility in tax choices. LLC business ventures qualify for a single layer of taxation, which prevents ownership from being double-taxed under the corporate tax structure.

“However, LLCs may also elect to be taxed under a corporate tax structure if they wish,” Spotora advised. “In fact, the full list of taxation choices for LLCs are as a sole proprietor, a partnership and either an S- or C- Corporation.”

LLCs also often require much less administrative paperwork and record-keeping than do corporations. The laws also allow LLCs to customize the rules for how the LLC is best operated.


Some people feel that LLCs do have disadvantages, however.

In California and a handful of other states, LLCs must pay a franchise or capital values tax on the business.

LLC’s in California must pay an annual tax to the state’s Franchise Tax Board. The fee is $800 per year, though if the LLC’s net annual income exceeds $250,000, then there will be an additional fee that must be paid, too.

Also, some people believe LLCs have a more difficult time raising financial capital because investors may be more comfortable investing funds into corporate firms.

If a person is considering forming a Limited Liability Company or other business entity, it is important for them to speak with a knowledgeable attorney. Anthony Spotora is a Los Angeles business attorney who specializes in incorporation and can guide you on the best strategy for your business.

You can visit our blog to learn more about corporate formation and other topics in business law, including the impact of RULLCA, California’s 2014 revision of the laws governing LLCs.


Attention Songwriters: Consider the Benefits of Music Publishers

Music publishing is a complex process that requires extensive knowledge of proper business practices and copyright law. A music publisher can help songwriters reap the benefits of their creativity.

While publishing their own music is a viable option for artists, the legal issues involved can be messy and complex. In order to avoid dealing with these issues, many artists turn to music publishers for help. Music publishers perform a variety of different functions for songwriters, as they have the expertise required to manage licenses and collect royalties.

One of the most important functions of a music publisher is to help an artist collect royalties. Royalties fall into two main categories: mechanical royalties and public performance royalties. Mechanical royalties are those fees paid to the copyright owner, usually the songwriter and the publisher, for the right to reproduce the song on some type of recording. Under the U.S. Copyright Act, once a song has been commercially released, any other artist can record and release their own version of the song, provided that they pay the copyright owner the minimum statutory royalty rate for every single copy of their version that is pressed or distributed.  This rate increases periodically and is calculated differently for songs that are over five minutes in length.

Public performance royalties are collected when a song gets played in public at a concert, in a nightclub, on television or the radio, etc. The copyright owner of the work is entitled to payment for each performance of the song. However, in order to collect this money, the songwriter will need to register as a member of a performance rights society which will collect royalties from those playing the songwriter’s music.

Not only do music publishers handle the collection of royalties, they also help songwriters manage the licensing of their songs to record companies and other interested parties. There are two main types of licenses that generate income for songwriters: synchronization licenses and print licenses. Any time the performance of a song is accompanied by a visual, a synchronization license is required. These licenses are issued when a song is used in a movie, television show, video game, or other type of visual medium, and the fee varies based on the usage and importance of the song.

A final way of earning income is through print licenses. While sheet music is not as popular as it once was, many songs are still available in print form. A music publisher will issue print licenses and collect income from the sheet music company, and the songwriter will receive a small royalty derived from the sale of his or her song.

Navigating these four possible sources of income can be difficult for an artist to do alone, and the knowledge a music publisher possesses in these areas can be a great benefit to artists. Entertainment and intellectual property lawyer Anthony Spotora commented, “Whereas music publishing seems to exist somewhere in the shadows of the music industry, good music publishers can be worth their weight in gold to songwriters.  In fact, hidden behind many of the ‘majors’ commonly lies a publishing division which often generates more annual revenue than does its label cohort.  And yet, even those who have been cast deep into the music industry itself often do not fully realize the role that a music publisher can play in the life of a songwriter and, more importantly, in the life of his or her music.  A good music publisher satisfies 5 primary duties: exploitation, administration, collection, protection and acquisition.  When they do their job well, many songwriters can finally begin to appreciate what it means to receive ‘pennies from heaven.’ ”

Music publishers can be a great asset to artists, but it is important that songwriters know their rights before entering into an agreement.  As a full-services business law firm Spotora and Associates provides exceptional guidance to songwriters considering entering into a publishing agreement, and has specialized in advising entertainment artists of their legal rights in the areas of intellectual property and entertainment law for over 15 years.

For more information, contact us.

Raising Capital: What Is a Private Placement Memorandum?

A Private Placement Memorandum (PPM) is a document that outlines the terms of securities to be offered in a private placement. A private placement is the issuance and sale of a company’s stock to a small number of select investors and is utilized as a means of raising capital; private placement is the opposite of a public issue, in which securities are available for sale in the open market. A PPM resembles a business plan both in its content and in its structure, except these documents tend to be lengthy and extremely thorough, are broken into several components — one of which is a business plan — and are most commonly used in business to provide information to potential investors, so that they may evaluate the merits of an investment in the company.

While the content of a PPM might vary based on the particular offering or the circumstances of the company, most PPMs typically contain the following elements:

  • A complete description of the security being offered for sale, including the terms of the sales and the associated fees;
  • A description of the issuer which includes organizational structure, the history of the company and the context of the offering;
  • A detailed business plan providing information related to market opportunity, the company’s value proposition, its products and/or services, marketing and sales plans, management, financials, and proposed use of proceeds;
  • Detailed instructions on how to participate in the offer;
  • A summary of relevant or possible conflicts of interests with the issuer, its principals, its affiliates, or a combination of any of the foregoing;
  • The numerous risk factors associated with the investment, including risks that are common to similar investments and those risks which are unique to the issuer and its securities.

In certain contexts, particularly if securities are being offered to prospective investors who lack accreditation (unaccredited investors are less sophisticated investors who do not meet the net worth requirements under the SEC’s Regulation D and require special protection when buying stock), a PPM will be required by law. If this is the case, the contents of the PPM will be subject to and regulated by the disclosure requirements of applicable securities regulations, inclusive of state blue sky laws.

Even when a PPM is not required by law, it can provide an invaluable amount of protection for the issuer. For example, statements of an issuer, whether they are written or oral, are subject to both federal and state anti-fraud laws. Among other possible actions, a well-prepared PPM can help issuers avoid a potential securities fraud claim. The PPM will establish a record of exactly what was communicated to the investors about the offering as well as the company, and what was subsequently accepted.

Our business attorney have decades of corporate law experience in private placement and can help you navigate through the regulatory requirements and draft your private placement memorandum.

For more information contact our firm:

Spotora & Associates, P.C.
(310) 556-9641
1801 Century Park East, Floor 24
Los Angeles, CA 90067


The Significance of Corporate Formalities

There are various reasons why business owners elect to incorporate and the privilege of limited liability is often at the top of their list.  It is important to remember, however, that it is in fact a privilege that’s granted and can therefore be taken away.  Business owners must recognize that it is called “Limited Liability” because their liability is just as it’s named to be – limited; not eliminated.

In order for a corporation’s directors, officers and shareholders to maintain the protection afforded them, it is essential that, amongst other things, corporate formalities are observed. What are corporate formalities?  They are formal actions that, by law, must be performed by the corporation’s directors, officers and/or shareholders on behalf of the corporation. Failure to observe and implement these formalities will not only diminish the protection afforded the corporation’s directors, officers and shareholders, but it can allow third-parties to “pierce the corporate veil” and subsequently hold those directors, officers and/or shareholders personally liable for what should have otherwise been corporate actions.

One formality that must be maintained is adequate corporate minutes.  It is imperative that significant corporation transactions, both internal and external, be properly documented. Failure to do so can serve as but one means for third-parties to “pierce the corporate veil.”  For example, undocumented officer compensation deemed by the IRS as excessive can result in a reclassification; amounts claimed as deductions can be viewed as dividends and consequently lead to increased, unpaid tax liabilities.  Infamous as well is the case for a plaintiff whereby it has become nearly commonplace to seek to hold both the corporation and its directors, officers and/or shareholders responsible for their claims.  Many times, they attempt to achieve this by proving that the corporation did not adhere to legal formalities such as its minute/record keeping.

Everything has its price but, the benefits received from investing some time into maintaining your corporation’s meeting minutes far outweighs the consequences you may endure by distributing that time elsewhere and leaving to chance the outcome of this legal requirement.