Carve Outs Can Be A Profitable Move
When one successful company merges with or acquires another successful company, the deal attracts a lot of attention, particularly when the players are big names in high-profile industries. The growth potential of each entity can be enormous.
But what can also be profitable are strategic “carve-outs,” which occur when assets are “scooped out” of an ailing company. You may be able to purchase just the piece of the company that you are interested in, or you may be able to buy the entire company and then sell off the assets that you don’t care to keep.
There is more inherent risk with carve-outs because you are dealing with something that is currently troubled financially. The flipside is that these assets often come at a reduced price.
When looking to purchase a carve-out, it is imperative to look at every piece of the company’s financial puzzle and be sure the asset can be turned around successfully. Thorough analysis is paramount.
Some of the questions you want to ask yourself:
-From the ground up, what problems did the asset or company face?
-What does the expense structure look like?
-How long will it take to make the necessary adjustments for the company or asset to become profitable?
-Is the risk worth the potential reward?
Just because an entire company or asset is not performing well doesn’t mean it is worthless. Perhaps the asset simply needs a shift in its business strategy or a minor restructuring of its finances to put it in the black.
When looking for a carve-out, the best bets are within industries that you have experience with or carry the potential for “synergy” with your current business. This can save a lot of money and make the deal more profitable in the end. For example, if you manufacture household goods, you would do best to purchase a product that can be easily integrated into your current operation. Because you are purchasing a troubled asset, it makes little sense to take more risks than necessary.
While companies seeking carve-outs usually look to their local competition, sometimes it makes sense to go beyond your own borders, too, particularly in today’s challenging economic climate. To stay competitive and to diversify in tough times, it may make sense to expand to a global market. Of course, that carries with it a whole host of added legal requirements.
If you are a company looking to “carve-out” a competitor’s assets, it is important to speak with an experienced attorney.
Anthony Spotora is a Los Angeles entertainment lawyer and Los Angeles business attorney. To learn more, visit